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N60A5728 N60A5719/Foto: Johanna Hanning/

Älskar ljuset på bilderna som Johanna tog förra veckan! Familjebilderna åker upp på väggen och får ersätta gravidbilderna. Vi har väldigt mycket familjebilder på väggarna, men det är också symboliskt. Jag tror väldigt mycket på att man dels ska omringa sig av saker man blir glad av men också för att det symboliserar vad man vill ha i sitt liv. Det tog ju bara två månader efter att jag klippt in J spelandes fotboll framför en italiensk publik och han fick samtalet från en klubb i Italien. Så låt egot komma fram och fyll väggarna med dig själv när du gör bra saker och på sådant du önskar!

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  1. Verena

    it´s really wonderful ..:) all these magical things! 🙂
    Thank u so much for all your answeres Johanna! 🙂
    I really like your blog! and all your texts about healthy and clean food! and just about the little things in Life!
    I hope you´re going to enjoy your weekend with your family and wonderful weather!

  2. Verena

    it´s really magical! =)
    oh, do you remember how long it took from wishing until meeting J? 🙂 and how was it for you when you saw him the first time? did you knew ”that´s HIM” at first sight? 🙂
    and does he also belive in ”the secret”? maybe at least a little bit? 😉

    1. Johannaty

      I dont know, a couple of months maby. I didint know the first time I saw hime, but on our first date my feelings jumped upside down. But it took a few weeks until I was sure and then I moved to his apartment two months after and one year later I was pregnant. So it went really fast! He also belive in the secret and from that he was a little kid his father put up goal achieving words on the refridgerator and maked them read it everyday. He think that it helped him become a professional footballplayer.

  3. Verena

    Hej Johanna! =)
    Well I always wonder, how you wished your J in your life? 🙂
    In another comment, you already wrote, that you started sleeping on the one side of your bed! but was that really all ?
    or did you had a picture of *him* in your head..ilke how *he* should look like? =) or did you made a list about how he should be? :)…or did you tell yourself something like ”I have my soulmate/perfect partner/Man in my life and we´re loving eachother”? 🙂 I´m sorry, I know it´s a very personal thing..but I think it´s pretty interesting..because I also do belive in ”the secret” =)
    I hope you´ll have a good day! =)

    1. Johannaty

      Hi Verena! Yes i did have a picture of him in my head, i dont remember if i wrote it down but I think that it would be something I could have done.

      I also think its a bit magic that my best friend found someone just like him, and I know she always said that she would wanna meet someone who is like my J. And she did, they are like copys!

      I also visulize every night before I go to bed and thinking of my life as I want it to be. 🙂 I hope you find you dream whatever it is =)
